Rafael Scarfullery's Blog

Read my thoughts and/or quotes from writers that help us become better human beings.

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Location: Charlottesville, VA, United States

Visit my website: http://www.RafaelScarfullery.com.
Watch my music videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/rafaelscarfullery.

My main goal in life is to fulfill my purpose on earth and help to fulfill other people's purposes, too. I want to make a little positive contribution and make the part of my world a more peaceful and loving place. I love music and it's the principal channel through which I carry out the above goals. I'm professionally and thoroughly prepared in several music areas: composition, orchestral/choral conducting, performance (classical guitar and organ), college teaching, and church music.

In my website, www.RafaelScarfullery.com, you can watch my music videos, listen to my CD's and buy them, see samples of my compositions, buy scores for downloading, download free scores, read about my music career, read my thoughts and other people's quotes that help us to become better human beings, and much more. If you'd like, send me your feedback. I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks for visiting!


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Expanding our sphere of influence

Every person has a sphere of influence. And it is very important to be aware that we have at least a little influence on every person we meet, no matter if they are our friends, relatives or any other. Then we should ponder about it and try to live a dignified life, a touching life, a life that makes a contribution to other people.

Versión en español:

Cada persona tiene una esfera de influencia. Y es importante reconocer que, al menos, tenemos una pequeña influencia sobre cada persona que conocemos, no importa si son nuestros familiares, amigos o cualquier otra persona. Entonces debemos pensar sobre eso y tratar de vivir una vida diga, que toque a los demás; una vida que haga una contribución a los demás.


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